Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Staying in Control When Everything is Out of Control

If you're anything like me, the way I gain control when everything is out of control is do something....ANYTHING.

Sometimes the distraction of learning a new skill or sitting in on the countless COVID-19 SBA CARES ACT webinars, seminars and online video calls gives my brain the chance to form a plan of action I wouldn't have thought of if I only focused on the problem. 

I find that because I help such a variety of business owners, I always need to switch gears to whatever pertains specifically to their business. That little shuffle helps my brain take a break, gives me that feeling of accomplishment and leaves little crumbs behind that eventually come up when making new plans in a situation like the one we are all currently facing.

There are so many training sites that have free certifications either COVID-19 or specific to your business.  Why not take an hour each day, improve your skills and share the results on social media so everyone sees you are working at solutions.  

Not only does this make me feel better to share something positive and optimistic, it's rewarding to be a small part of the solution and that's encouraging. 


Ok Small Business owners, let's do what we do best.  SURVIVE! THRIVE! LOOK ALIVE! 
Here are 5 ideas of what we can do now to be prepared to bounce when we reopen.

1.Dentists: Call your patients and remind them to floss! Its all about staying in touch. 
2.Barbers/Nail Techs/Hair Stylists/Colorists:
Let's be real... you don't want your clients looking ragged.  Your best advertisement is when they still look great 6 weeks later (ok maybe not great, but not gross either). Send out group texts or videos with a tip of the day (a little gel goes a long way, paint your roots with eye shadow & hairspray, you get the idea)
3. Restaurants, delis, caterers, dessert shops, coffee shops: Of course you're doing delivery and curbside pick up. But, some people just don't want delivery every day or they forget you're out there.  Why not post a daily easy DIY family recipe (that may include an ingredient they can  order from you like pizza dough or capers) on your social media. They'll have fun and trust me, they'll call you when they want the good stuff. 
4. Home improvement, landscapers, florists, contractors: You know we need you! But to stay top of mind share basic "how to" videos so folks can do the basics until you can get together again.  
5. Real Estate Agents: This one is easy.  STAY IN TOUCH!  If you've got a listing sitting on the market right now, your client doesn't know your value until you show them. Share video of the listing on social media, change it up, lengthen the descriptions to demonstrate the features of each room and amenity. No open houses? There sure are when you post a room by room, cabinet to closet walkthrough.  Add  internet video to your email newsletter (search  email video integration)  This is a great time to get buyers' attention.... what else are they doing?

Get the point? If you have a way to email, text or call your customers (especially our beloved senior citizens) while everyone is home, they will appreciate you now and remember you when it's time to reconnect.
Success can be as easy as finding new ways to serve your customers' needs and maybe adding a whole new dimension to your business.  

Be well everyone! See you soon!


The CARES ACT needs to care for small business or the US will be filled with bankrupt businesses (99.7% under 500 employees) and unemployed workers. 

It was a mistake to allow so much $ to go to chain restaurants (eventhough it was a separate section) and callously divide the rest between several special interest groups instead of the small restaurants and businesses the act was intended to help. 

In addition, the SBA needs to communicate directly with small business owners.  It was clear from the beginning that the same banks bailed out in 2008 were only interested in their own needs.  The money was given to the businesses that make them money. 

There was no incentive for the banks to pay staff to distribute loans that will be 'forgiven' leaving no interest or principal for the bank. 

And let's talk about property tax. Where will the payments for that come from? Landlords can't collect rent which often goes straight to mortgage and property expenses and homeowners haven't collected a paycheck or unemployment in a month. NJ needs to discount these "dues" to allow homeowners to catch up.

Let's see what happens this week.