Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Minimum Wage Increase Doesn't Help Minimum Wage Workers

Raising minimum wage to $15 an hour is bad for the economy,  business AND minimum wage workers. 

Most employers pay what they can afford while they struggle to keep the lights on. The higher minimum will require either schedule cutbacks, layoffs or higher prices IF the business doesn't close.  This will have the $15 an hour worker NOT making ends meet at a higher salary...AND...they and their employer WILL be paying additional income and assorted payroll taxes on the higher wage.
Also, the reduced staff will reduce customer service while increasing the burden for the remaining workers. 
The business owner will also lose good workers who were already paid $15 an hour because they will want the same un-affordable % increase.
The simple answer is that NJ should LOWER TAXES & TRAIN lower wage workers to earn more because they will then be worth more.  This helps with a 'hand up' to all New Jersey residents not a 'hand out' that won't help.
So, we've created a petition to tell Governor Murphy to get it right for NJ workers: Sign this petition if you agree that to earn more,  an employee needs to be worth more. Tell NJ to lower property, sales, gas & income taxes AND provide training grants that require minimum wage workers improve their skills before they earn a raise to $15 per hour. 

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