Thursday, August 24, 2017

When You Measure You Win!

Knowledge is power.  It really is.

  • How many widgets do you need to keep on hand for sale; for use?  Once you measure what you have in inventory vs sales you'll have the basics of what you need to make a profit.
  • Know how many steps it takes to get around your office? Find a way to reduce your steps and you are on your way to being more productive.
  • How many people do you interact with before one person hires you?  If it's 10 or 100; once you measure your introductions vs your new client rate you'll know how many people you need to contact to grow your business.
  • Time for a change?  How will you know unless you can measure how long it takes to complete a project vs what you are paid.  Do you make a fair hourly or annual rate?  Measure and see!
Some creative professionals and business owners have such a passion for their work that they would almost work without pay-except for a little issue called 'cost of living.'

Love your work AND make a living by using your measuring stick.
Today, there are many online tools, apps and software to help you get this right.  If you aren't a techie-pencil and paper will do just fine.

Remember to track 'hidden' time and profit thieves.  Add up EVERY expense that you incur when performing your service or producing your product.  That means-extra consultation time, extra trips to the post office and even any added materials that you might be able to split among other products/services--but--they must be included to truly determine if your passion is producing a living.

Need help tracking expenses in New Jersey? Call ISG! 973-334-3110 OR
For more Small Business Quick Tips be sure to Subscribe.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Ask More, Earn More

Small business owners have big challenges when it comes to landing a new client.
When asked to provide a proposal for a project don't stop at answering the questions asked. 
Take a little time,  reflect on the project and consider what else you need to know. 
Ask more questions to find out where the niche might be for your business to stand out among your competitor's proposals.
Need help connecting with contacts?
Call ISG! 973-334-3110 OR For more Small Business Quick Tips be sure to Subscribe.

Monday, August 14, 2017

What to do when the power goes out

So,  the lights go can't charge your phone... you can borrow your friend's...but do you know anyone's number?
Can you imagine this? It can happen anytime and the professional with the 'old- fashioned' print out of their contacts [aka phone book] won't skip a beat...
Stop what you are doing right now and print out your contact list. You'll be glad you did.

Need help downloading contacts?
Call ISG! 973-334-3110 OR
For more Small Business Quick Tips be sure to Subscribe.

How do you define success?

See us on Linkedin and let us know how you define Success.
Call ISG! 973-334-3110 OR
For more Small Business Quick Tips be sure to Subscribe.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Secret to Small Business Success

The secret to small business success is persistence. The smaller you are the more persistent you need to be.
Persistence to ask more questions...
1. More information helps businesses spend money wisely.
2. More information allows you the ability to pinpoint the exact services necessary to service your clients.
3.Persistence to stick with a problem until it gets solved. 
4.Persistence to out-work the competition. 

How has your persistence benefited you?  Tell us in the comments and then....Call ISG! 
973-334-3110 OR
For more Small Business Quick Tips be sure to Subscribe.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Stay in Touch

Combining your mail with a follow-up phone call can often increase the benefits realized from your direct mail efforts.

 We say “mail and mail often” Whether it is email or snail mail, keeping your name in front of clients is a key to staying in their mind when your product or service is needed. 

Need help getting the word out? Call ISG! 973-334-3110 or

Get it in Writing

Always get all agreements and instructions in writing.

Why?  You might forget or need the written document as might not know why immediately, but, I promise you will be glad you did.

Need help getting info in writing? Call ISG! 973-334-3110 OR
For more Small Business Quick Tips be sure to Subscribe.